Ignatius gets married

For those of you who followed the popular dating show on TV3, Date Rush last year, you would definitely remember a young gentleman called Ignatius who stirred up a a lot of controversy on stage; something that trended for weeks.

He became the talk of town after turning off the Rushes of the last two girls who wanted to go on a date with him on the show; he was just not interested in them.

After the fiasco, one of the ladies who was snubbed by Ignatius; Free love, expressed her anger at his attitude and the convo went on for weeks.

Meanwhile, over the weekend, a video of Ignatius has hit social media. The video showed the young and excited man saying YES I DO to his long time girlfriend in a secret ceremony.

Ignatius did not marry Free Love; he married another beautiful lady who happens to be his longtime sweetheart.

Congratulations to the couple.

Source || depunch.com