How To Win Over A Lady’s Heart With Ease

Everyone has a heart; a heart to love and to be loved. And in all of these, it takes only the brave to make that first step towards winning over the heart of someone you admire.

It is said that if someone does not love you, no matter what you do will never get you their attention. Well, it is not entirely true as the hardest heart has a soft spot somewhere in there.

Now, join me as a I give you some steps and guidelines on how to win over someone’s heart.

1. The first step is “Be pursuant; Pursue her without the pressure” – In life, only those who pursue and go for what they want end up succeeding. If it’s a lady you’ve been admiring for sometime, be a pursuer but don’t do it with too much pressure. Most people become very uncomfortable when they are pressurized into doing something.

2. “Be complimentary” – Everyone likes to be complemented. But ladies love it more. Take every little opportunity that avails itself to complement her; it could be her make-up or her hairdo or her dress or her perfume. Just complement her always.

3. “Be creative” – No one wants to be around a boring person. Just be creative Chairman. You can’t succeed with dry jokes and ideas. Just be creative and understand the dynamism in the game of Chess.

4. “Be a gentleman” – Naturally, girls are attracted to gentle guys. My brother, if you want to be considered, just put aside all your rascal egos and be a gentleman.

5. “Treat her like a Princess” – A girl doesn’t want to be treated like a Queen; she wants to be treated like a princess.

6. “Be Protective” – Being a man naturally comes with the instincts to protect what is yours. Even before you succeed in making her yours, be protective of her. She will always feel safe around you and will ensure that she turns to you anytime she needs physical security and protection.

These are just a few tips to help you out on your quest to winning the heart of that girl you’ve admired for some time.

Also, don’t give up when you know you really want her. She might also be admiring you from a distance as well.

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