It is a sad period for the Ghana entertainment sphere as a great talent has left us. He died without telling us he was going and it is very sad that we will not be seeing the man who brought happiness into the homes of many who both loved “Kumawood” and “Ghallywood” movies.

Bishop, as he was popularly referred to was one person who delivered his scripts to near-perfection and always acted with some kind of passion and zeal. May His Soul Rest in Peace.

His senior brother Isaac Darko, has come out to narrate circumstances leading to his demise; and according to him, his brother took ill and was receiving treatment in the last few months.

He underwent a surgery which didn’t better his predicament. Hence, a follow-up visit to the Greater Accra Regional hospital was his last as he gave up the Ghost 48 hours ago.

Well, it is very sad and annoying at the same time how some Ghanaians have all of a sudden taken up their handkerchiefs to begin to wipe their crocodile tears, all in the guise of mourning the late actor.

When he was alive, he was hardly celebrated. But on the night of his death, he became a national hero all of a sudden.

I came across one of his last videos where he was delivering a sermon, and called out to people to stop celebrating the dead, and rather celebrate them when they are alive. Little did we know that he was delivering a message which would soon apply to him.

And even some of his colleagues have decided to make quick money out of his demise; how did they do it? They recorded videos of themselves weeping and crying over his death. And uploaded it on YouTube. These videos went viral and is going to earn them a cool cash in their pockets. These 2 actors, LilWin and Yaw Dabo have been lambasted for making money out of a colleague’s death.

It is very sad that we have lost a gem in the movie industry; but it is also annoying that he has become a national hero all of a sudden. We should have shown him all the love when he was alive and could see all of it; not when he is dead and cannot hear all the praises being attached to his name.

This is something Ghanaians are good at; mourning the dead. Bishop Bernard Nyarko’s case is not the first, neither will it be the last. We seriously need a change of attitude as a people.

May His Gentle Soul Rest in Peace.

By; Kwamina DEXTRO

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By Kwamina DEXTRO

Desmond Kwamina Forson (Kwamina DEXTRO) is the Founding Editor of Depunch.Com and a content originator. He is a trained Geological Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has always had a keen personal interest in scripting, graphic designing and music. Kwamina DEXTRO believes that everything that you dream of in this world is achievable. However, the question is how can it be done”. Let’s getting chatting on WhatsApp +233242112100 or drop a mail on