Nana Ama McBrown, Chairman Wontumi and Fadda Dickson

The Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party, Nana Antwi Bosiako known popularly as Chairman Wontumi has sued Nana Ama McBrown, Afia Schwarznegger, Fadda Dickson, UTV and two others over the vilification he was subjected to on last week’s edition of the popular TV show aired on UTV, United Showbiz.

In a writ of summons sighted by, the politician kum businessman through his lawyers decided to take legal action against the above-mentioned persons for contempt of court.

For the records, Chairman Wontumi sued Afia Schwarznegger for defamation recently when she made claims that she’s dated him in the past and that, he released bad air like no man’s business anytime they do shuperu.

Check Out Details As Chairman Wontumi Sues Nana Ama McBrown, Afia Schwarzenegger, UTV, Fadda Dickson and Others

Chairman Wontumi is obviously not happy by the unpalatable things said about him on the show by Afia Schwar which was being hosted by Nana Ama McBrown.

Hours ago, the channel apologized to Chairman Wontumi for granting Afia Schwarznegger their platform where she made some wild claims about him considering that the matter is before the courts and hence shouldn’t be discussed in public in that manner.