Popular Ghanaian s.ex worker, Queen Farcadi, has spoken with German public state-owned international broadcaster, DW TV.  

And according to the Snapchat ‘slay queen’ who proudly accepts the prostitute and pimp tag, she explained what exactly pushed her to bleach her skin. 

She was speaking with Edith Kimani on the 77 Percent show on the topic “how can we decolonize beauty standards” when she noted that she bleached to attract more men. 

Basically I thought of lightening my skin to fit into the criteria of girls the men are interested in,” she said.

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For the attention and everything, for social media when you are a bit lighter you get more attention,” she further stated.

Speaking about the impact after changing her complexion, Farcadi added that “after the skin lightening, I turned into Farcadi, before the skin lightening I was Enyonam. So that’s the changes I had and life was pretty good, got famous, got the attention from the men, you get deals, maybe model contracts and all that“.

In the video below, she claimed that in Ghana, light skinned women get paid more compared to women with dark skinned tone. “You will get the job but the payment there’s difference in it”.

Watch the video below…