S.£xs is a basic human function that is not talked enough about. 

This means if you’re going through a dry spell, there are some things to keep in mind. 

For example, did you know S.£xs is a great stress reliever? So if you’re feeling more anxious lately, maybe it’s time to re-download that dating app. 

Just like understanding how sleep can affect your professional, and personal, life it’s important to understand how s.£xs does too. Here are some things that can happen when you stop having s.£xs.

1. Feeling Very Unhappy 

Being the most common sign, you are likely to feel very unhappy. S.£xs boost the “happy hormone” serotonin which helps improve your mood; and fights depression. Dr. Mark Lawton from the British Association for S.£xsual Health and HIV told Metro, “Certainly s.£xs releases endorphins and happy hormones that give a sense of wellbeing that you might no longer get.”

But the pressure to have S.£xs as a social responsibility can have an adverse effect too. “From a psychological point of view, someone might feel a responsibility to have S.£xs – they feel that they should be having it. If they are not, that could also lead to a low mood,” Dr. Lawton says.

2. Your L!b!d0 level Will Go Down Drastically

The longer you go without S.£xs, the more you grow accustomed to not having it, therefore filling that gap in your life with others things. 

Certified S.£xs therapist Sari Cooper told Reader’s Digest, “For some people who refrain from S.£xs, they begin to feel more sluggish, with less vitality and hunger for S.£xs. Out of sight out of mind is how some of my clients describe the scenario.”

3. Your sleep may get worse

This may also seem very obvious to some people, but S.£xs is correlated to sleep quality. According to the Sleep Foundation, “after an org@zm, the body releases hormones, like oxytocin and prolactin, that can induce pleasant and relaxing feelings. S.£xs also reduces levels of the hormone cortisol, which is associated with stress.”

4. You Stand A Higher Chance of Heart Failure 

S.£xs is a great way to get your heart pumping. While it does not fully replace a daily 30-minute workout, it still counts for something, and exercise is directly linked to a healthier heart.

A 2015 study found that men who had S.£xs twice a week or more were less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases than men who had S.£xs once a month or less.

5. Your immune system may decrease

No, it cannot prevent the common cold. But S.£xs does help your immune system in the long run. By helping lower cortisol levels, S.£xs helps lower your chances of getting sick.

According to a 2004 study, people who have S.£xs frequently (three times a week or more) had higher traces of immunoglobulin A in their saliva than those who had S.£xs infrequently (less than once a week).

By Kwamina DEXTRO

Desmond Kwamina Forson (Kwamina DEXTRO) is the Founding Editor of Depunch.Com and a content originator. He is a trained Geological Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has always had a keen personal interest in scripting, graphic designing and music. Kwamina DEXTRO believes that everything that you dream of in this world is achievable. However, the question is how can it be done”. Let’s getting chatting on WhatsApp +233242112100 or drop a mail on depunch@gmail.com