Tomi Adeyemi just revealed her inspiration behind the record-breaking novel, Children of Blood and Bone and its trilogy.

The author spoke to PEOPLE, discussing the Legacy of the Orisha story was inspired by her time she spent in Brazil.

Adeyemi remembered trying to get into a closed museum, during heavy rain, for research purposes in order to present to the grant that was funding her trip.

“And then I see the Orisha, these dark-skinned African gods and goddesses, and it had never even occurred to me that there could be African gods and goddesses,” she told the outlet.

“It was like literal fireworks went off in my brain. I saw the landscapes, I saw the lions, I saw the temples. I saw the magic. I didn’t know who my characters were. I didn’t know what happened in the world, but the world came fully formed,” Adeyemi further stated, recalling when the inspiration struck her mind.

Tomi Adeyemi’s, Children of Blood and Bone has been released in its paperback version on February 27, 2024.

Meanwhile, her second installment, Children of Virtue and Vengeance is set for its paperback release on March 26, 2024.