Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour concert movie has been a major success as it has already grossed a total of more than $123 million globally. The movie has earned some rave reviews.

Now, a critique of the movie has emerged by an American film critic, Armond White of the National Review, and it has been going viral since then.

According to TMZ, National Review is known to be one of the most conservative outlets, and Armond has produced a full-blown sociological examination of the movie for the outlet.

The severity of the critique can be observed from the headline and sub-headline of the review.

He changed the headline from Eras Tour movie concert to “Taylor Swift’s Asylum Seeker” and also added a sub-heading, “A movie concert promoting post-Madonna, post-Obama mind control.”

Armond has also taken a swipe at Gen Z, saying, “Gen-Z knows nothing about the thrill of originality and profundity that accompanied the advent of The Rolling Stones, The Supremes and Jackson Five.”

He dubbed the Taylor Swift concerts as a “Taylor Swift circus”, adding, “Taylor specializes in degraded girl pop, teenage solipsism and the silliness that kids will ideally grow.”

He has also linked the movie’s aesthetic sense to the Nazi technique of making something look more grand and aesthetically pleasing than they are in reality.

Armond concluded his scathing review of the movie with a jibe at Swiftie’s parents. He said, “The boomer parents letting their kids have fun at Taylor’s concert should know that it will take a counterrevolution to repair Swift’s moral, aesthetic, and political damage.”