Taraji P. Henson makes a shocking move against her entire team following the explosive success of Empire.

The star weighed in on things during one of her most recent interviews with the SAG-AFTRA Foundation and Variety’s Angelique Jackson.

There, she touched on how badly her team failed to capitalize on the success Empire brought her back in 2020, when it ended.

In her chat, she even went as far as to tell Angelique Jackson, “Everybody had to f****** go.”

This is mainly because she expected an influx of opportunities to come her way after the series’ conclusion.

However, things ended up being ‘underwhelming’ from that point on.

While recounting that entire experience the star said, “Where is my deal? Where’s my commercial? Cookie was at the top of the fashion game. Where is my endorsement? What did you have set up for after this?”

“That’s why you all haven’t seen me in so long. They had nothing set up.”

She also explained her emotions following the entire situation and admitted that her mind was ‘all for’ playing another ‘Cookie’ and would say, “I’ll do it, but it has to be right. … She’s too beloved for y’all to f*** it up.”

But “when they didn’t get it right, I was like, ‘Well, that’s it,’ and they had nothing else” so “You’re all fuuuuu’ fired,’” was decided from that point on.

Before signing off though, she took fans down a joy ride to explain her reasons for making such a decision and said, “I put in the work in so that I could have a voice so that I could say no [to unfair offers], so that I could fight for those coming in behind me. You can’t just pay me anything ’cause I’ll say no.”