Meaning of #WKHKYD and Why It’s Trending on Twitter

meaning of WKHKYD

If you frequent social media, you must have noticed a new hashtag making the rounds on the timelines of twitter and Facebook users. Well, the now popular hashtag #WKHKYD stands for “Wo kɔɔ hɔ kɔ yɛ deɛn?”

In English, it simply means “What did you go there to do?”, “Who sent you there” or “You went there to do what” as in who sent you to go there!.

This is an expression for when someone ends up at a place uninvited or where he/she has no business or dealings and ends up being in trouble of a sort.

I believe that this explanation has put your questioning mind to rest. So the next time you see the acronym online, you can put two and two together!

The expression became popular due to the viral video, with a copy sampled below.

There is also a counter acronym “WBHBYD” which means “Wo ba ha bɛ yɛ deɛn“. In English, it also means “What did you come here to do?” or “Who sent you here“.