Kun Kra (Tsa Mandebele song by Oskido Candy) Meaning: And 6 Reasons Why You Should Not Say it to Anyone

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Kun kra by Oskido Candy has become a trending term in Ghana, with the term on the lips of almost everyone. This article will discuss who Oskido Candy is, his net worth, the meaning of the Kun kra Song in this editorial and 6 reasons why you should not say it to anyone.

Meaning of Kun Kra

Kap khun krap/ka: Thank You. A polite thank you is a lovely way to leave a restaurant or show appreciation in any place – for this you can say kap khun krap/ka. The word was coined when a social media influencer was unable to properly pronounce a word in a song’s lyrics.

However, it is now being associated with the mixing of Codeine with alcohol; which is a bad thing to do.

Who is Oskido Candy?

Oscar Sibonginkosi Mdlongwa is a South African musician, record producer and businessman best known for popularizing the Kwaito genre of music outside South Africa’s townships. Oscar Sibonginkosi Mdlongwa known in the entertainment industry as Oskido Candy, has recently taken over numerous social media platforms such as Twitter, Whatsapp, and Tikrok with his new song titled “Tsa Ma Ndebele Kids” meaning “Say Kun kra”.

Oskido Candy’s Net worth

The South African musician’s net worth is estimated to be $2 million.

6 reasons why you should not say it

1. It has an unknown origin

Although the original song was from Oskido’s Candy “Tsa Mandebele kids” no one actually came up with this term.

2. It has no meaning

Kunkra has no true meaning. It was brought up when an influencer was unable to pronounce a word in a songs lyrics.

3. Kunkra is associated with a harmful act

One thing we know that has been associated with Kunkra is the mixing of Codeine with alcohol and it is bad.

4. The term sounds irritating

You just say kunkra to anyone who does not understand what you are saying. It can be irritating.

5. You do not get anything when you say Kun Kra

No one is rewarded just by saying Kun Kra. Don’t say it for any reason.

6. It’s one thing to change the true meaning of something else

The true word from the lyrics is;

Kap khun krap/ka: Thank You. A polite thank you is a lovely way to leave a restaurant or show appreciation in any place – for this you can say kap khun krap/ka.

Check out some cr@zy compilations of the Kun Kra trend in the videos below…