Kanye West’s Italian family is allegedly starting to feel ‘very ignored’ by the star.

These insights and possibilities have been referenced by a close cousin of Bianca.

The cousin, Fabiola Censori broke down the isolation her entire family feel, ever since Bianca’s marriage to Kanye West.

She began by telling the Daily Mail, “We haven’t seen anything of Bianca’s family here for years.”

“The eldest of my uncle’s children used to visit for a while but they stopped coming back to Italy years ago.”

But “I’ve never met Bianca but I would love to – it was a shame she didn’t come and visit us when she was here in Italy on holiday.”

“We could have shown her where her dad and his brothers and sisters and her grandparents grew up.”

Before concluding, her cousin also admitted, “Her dad came here years ago and we had a beautiful evening together with all the family and it was wonderful to see him but as for Bianca and Kanye no comment. We feel a bit ignored.”