Information just reaching has it that another incident of suicide has taken place. 

And sad enough, it involves an 11-year-old boy, Isaac, who attends Dambai College of Education Demonstration School in the Oti Region

Isaac Essuman is a class 3 pupil and it is unknown what will necessitate such an action from a minor. 

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According to information gathered by, Isaac’s mother told him to join her for a prayer meeting; which he declined. 

And to her surprise, she came to find him hanging on a tree. 

God have mercy on our generation.

By Kwamina DEXTRO

Desmond Kwamina Forson (Kwamina DEXTRO) is the Founding Editor of Depunch.Com and a content originator. He is a trained Geological Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has always had a keen personal interest in scripting, graphic designing and music. Kwamina DEXTRO believes that everything that you dream of in this world is achievable. However, the question is how can it be done”. Let’s getting chatting on WhatsApp +233242112100 or drop a mail on