Everything that ensued after Adam and Eve disobeyed God were Curses. It was all laden with curses. Out of a cursed life, they needed to provide shelter for themselves and search nature to find substances to heal their infirmities when they fell sick.
Engineering, Medicine, Science e.tc were man’s own innovation with the mercy of God to help them survive after being cursed. Adaption and survival of the fittest, they say, is very significant to explain this assertion.
Hear Him; God didn’t create us to become the cleverest species only to procreate and to prove Himself His own mighty Works. He acknowledges His own mighty works just after creation. God already knows His worth. Who can please this God with inventions or innovation or discoveries? You have little idea of who this Great God is. These are mysteries. We were and are still cursed; but for the blood of Jesus Christ shed for us.
This garden of Eden Curses from God became the burden of the flesh of any persons born of a Man and Woman. So all persons even including the holiest,carried the curses of the Father. To bring us back to His righteous ways, The Almighty Father used His holy selected human beings on earth to start the reconciliation process. That notwithstanding, none of them could complete the assignment because they were all mortals thus were still operating under the Curses.
Nonetheless, God routed the particles for the LAW through them but their cursed carnality shall also taint the Law for the (Law) to be cursed. Even the Law became cursed because the pioneers could not be deemed righteous to fulfill the original purpose. For it is said that none is righteous but Himself alone.
Even with the touch bearers, their righteousness was like dirt in the face of the Father. Surely, this God should be Highly Pious and Mighty.
He, the anointed Messiah was the original Word (particles) which became the LAW that was cursed.
Therefore, He needed to come personally to eat up our Curses and complete the reconciliation process. Haven’t said this, it took His divine birth as Half Human Half Spirit to be able to break the cursed protocol. So His Word says, and He took all our curses and Himself became a curse unto us for it’s already written that cursed is someone who is been hung on a tree. He bequeathed onto us the HOLY SPIRIT in His stead to assist humanity in search for all remaining truth before His second arrival.
So anyone who operates under the Cursed Laws shall not fulfill the original intent of the Almighty Father but he that operates with power of the Holy Spirit shall overcome the curse. The Holy Spirit is thus available for all who search for Him with honesty.
If you don’t fear the Lord Jesus brethren, you are doomed.
Don’t be scared for God is still with us. Repent. Read your bible. Love nature and do good onto others.
God have mercy on us.
Author || Frimpong (DePunch Contributor)