Social media went g@y yesterday when a video of a Reverend Father kissing female students during Sunday service in St. Monica College of Education – Kumasi went viral. 

For the agog one on this space, here are further details for your perusal.  

Details leading up to that infamous episode have been released by one student of the school who gossiped to blogger Zionfelix. 

She stated that the Reverend father was only honoring them with kisses; the long and short being that he is a habitual kisser who kisses these vulnerable “future teachers” at the least chance. 

He is also fond of preaching with prof@nity during Sunday services. 

See the hot details in the screenshot below…

By Kwamina DEXTRO

Desmond Kwamina Forson (Kwamina DEXTRO) is the Founding Editor of Depunch.Com and a content originator. He is a trained Geological Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has always had a keen personal interest in scripting, graphic designing and music. Kwamina DEXTRO believes that everything that you dream of in this world is achievable. However, the question is how can it be done”. Let’s getting chatting on WhatsApp +233242112100 or drop a mail on