Cillian Murphy lands another thrilling role following ‘Oppenheimer’ Oscar win

Cillian Murphy delighted fans with another thrilling role based on the gripping narrative of Mark A. Bradley’s book.

Soon after the Irish actor clinched his first Oscar earlier this month, for his exceptional portrayal of Father of the Atomic Bomb in Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, he made headlines with two new projects with the latest one being a movie adaptation of organized labor’s history.

According to Deadline, the father-of-two will lead and produce the upcoming movie Blood Runs Coal, which is based on the book Blood Runs Coal: The Yablonski Murders and the Battle for the United Mine Workers of America.

The appalling storyline is set against the vivid backdrop of the 1960s in Pennsylvania and will explore the infamous true crime drama surrounding the murder of mining union organizer Jock Yablonski, who was killed at home with his wife and daughter.

Murphy will play the role of Chip Yablonski, Jock’s surviving son on his quest for justice for his father.

Jez Butte­rworth and John-Henry Butterworth, writers of Edge­ of Tomorrow, will craft the screenplay.

It is worth mentioning here that earlier this week, the Peaky Blinders creator disclose­d that Cillian Murphy, aged 47, will reprise his role­ for the eagerly awaite­d movie finale.

Murphy will reprise his role as Thomas Shelby in the period Gangster drama that has been running since 2013. The production of the movie is set to begin later this year as he will join the rest of the cast in Birmingham.