Britney Spears is reportedly planning a bombshell tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey before releasing her most talked about memoir The Woman In Me on October 24.

According to a report published by The Sun, the Toxic hitmaker hasn’t made up her mind regarding the interview as she still faces difficulty opening up about her traumas to strangers.

It would mark Spears’ first major interview since her 13-year conservatorship was terminated in November, 2021, in case she decides to go for it.

Meanwhile, television networks and online streaming platforms are fighting for the chance to exclusively broadcast the controversial singer’s first tell-all.

“Significant financial sums” have reportedly been offered to the popstar to open up about her life in front of a camera.

Previously, right after her conservatorship termination, Spears was approached by Winfrey’s team for an interview but the popstar declined it as was “still coming to terms with independent life and mentally processing her freedom” at the time.

However, Spears is now “in a different place” but it still is a complicated task for the Princess of Pop to talk of her life as she “continues to face challenges speaking to strangers at length about intimate aspects of her life.

“The trauma didn’t go away overnight just because the conservatorship ended,” the insider added. “Some days can be extremely testing and conversations can trigger her to behave unusually or even erratically.”

“Certainly, putting a TV lens on her could be problematic and it means that a proper news-style interview is out of the question,” the insider explained. “However, a more feature-style interview, allowing her and the team to have control is an option.”

“A move like that, to work with a production company or someone like Oprah, would be her strongest play, but the reality is managing Britney’s mental well-being and health in the process.”