Is there anything God cannot do? Well, if you had doubts, then this should prove to you that God is the God of the impossible.
Our one and only slay-queen, Moesha Buduong, who has turned a new leaf in her journey of life has deleted all her seductive photos from her Instagram page.
A visit to her IG page yesterday revealed that she had taken down all seductive posts and left only the decent ones.
She has also taken to posting only God-related stuffs on her IG page.
Moesha Buduong recently repented and has changed her name from Moesha to Mauricia; isn’t that marvelous?
It’s alleged that Moesha Buduong is doing all these just to impress her fiancé’s parents who were not okay with her kind of lifestyle.
One question I keep asking myself is that is her IG following going to remain the same or drop.