Steve Carell is known for his comedic roles, and Bob Odenkirk admits he is better than him at comedy.

Appearing on the Office Ladies podcast, the Better Call Saul star recalled why he lost Michael Scott’s role in The Office to him.

“There were other parts that I think I was up for that Steve got, and it’s because he’s better at being genuinely fun,” he acknowledged. “I think I bring with me a little bit too much earnest seriousness, and it’s just kind of there.”

Bob continued, “And there’s nothing I can do about it except play other roles where it’s helpful to have that. And, you know, you just don’t believe me as a purely light character.”

“You just are looking for the darkness, and that’s actually great in drama. That’s a plus, you know? But in comedy, it’s not a plus.”

Elsewhere in the podcast, Bob said about not getting the role because he said, “I am, in a strange way, a very earnest person for a person in comedy.”

Adding, “I am oddly earnest, and … it’s one of the reasons I think Steve Carell is a better, you know — is the one who got the role.”