Ariana Grande’s brother Frankie is all for hyping her upcoming Wicked movie.

Speaking with US Weekly, he first talked about his sobriety journey which marked seven years on June 16.

“My life has completely changed. The crazy thing about the way that I used to drink and use was that no one really knew how bad it was. I’m really grateful that I’m here today. I don’t think I would be alive if I wasn’t sober,” he said.

Frankie also credited Ariana for being his rock and shared that she pushed him to seek treatment for his addictions.

He shared, “My sister was the first person that I told that I needed help, and she was the one that got me into treatment. She’s been my best friend through it all. Of course, my mother has given me nothing but unwavering support.

Dropping subtle hints about the hitmaker’s movie adaptation of Wicked, in which she will be starring as Glinda, Frankie revealed that he had seen footage of the upcoming movie.

“During filming, I got to go to the set. I was at a marketing event and I saw 14 minutes of the film, which is crazy. No CGI, no color correction, no nothing — and it was the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s gonna be the best thing ever,” he concluded, adding that it will be “worth the wait.”