4 Ways To Naturally Get Rid Of WhiteHeads On Your Nose

For those of you who don’t know whiteheads, just push up the skin on your nose. You’ll see fat oozing out; Yep. The holes that produced that fat is what’s called whiteheads. 

So in simple terms, whiteheads are enlarged hair follicles blocked with skin fat, dead cells and bacteria.

Whiteheads occur due to clogging of the skin pores. However, getting rid of them is as simple as ABC; and won’t take any expensive creams in order to get rid of them.

Let me take you through these 4 natural ways to get rid of whiteheads on your nose;

1. Tomato

Tomato is a very good remedy for your skin and can be used for curing a lot of problems. Make a paste using tomato and lemon juice. Gently apply this paste on your nose and wait for about 30 minutes. Go ahead and wash it off with warm water; then splash cold water over your nose to close the pores.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is also one of the best natural remedies for whiteheads. Gently apply some aloe vera gel directly from the leaf onto your nose, to provide more moisture to your skin. It will unclog the pores and leave your skin feeling much smoother.

3. Facial steam

Facial steam encourages pugged pores to open up. A person with whitehead can also hold the affected part of their body over some boiled in a bowl. If the affected area is your head or neck, then put a towel over your head to concentrate the steam onto your upper body.

4. Lemon juice

Lemon contains citric acid, this helps in drying out the excess oil on your skin which leads to whiteheads in the first place. Just use raw lemon juice or mix it with water if you have sensitive skin. Use a cotton ball to apply the juice to your nose, and wash it off after 10-15 minutes

White heads can be so irritating and inconvenient as they tend to appear uninvited; thereby making you feel a bit intimidated.

If you were in that category, worry your head no more. Just use these home remedies as you’ll come back and thank me later.
